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March 15, 2024
Time of reading

Preparing your garden for winter: Essential Steps

Preparing your garden for winter is crucial to ensure your plants survive the cold months and are ready to thrive in the spring.

1. Fall Cleanup:

Removing Debris: Remove fallen leaves, branches, and other debris to prevent diseases and pests.

Weeding: Remove weeds to reduce competition for nutrients and prevent spread in the spring.

2. Pruning and Plant Care:

Pruning Trees and Shrubs: Selective pruning to remove dead or diseased branches and improve structure.

Perennial Plant Care: Cutting back perennials and protecting roots with mulch.

3. Fall Fertilization:

Applying Fertilizer: Use slow-release fertilizers to provide essential nutrients that strengthen roots before winter.

Adjusting Soil pH: Test the soil and correct the pH if necessary.

4. Protecting Sensitive Plants:

Covers and Mulches: Use mulch, fabrics, and cloches to protect plants sensitive to cold.

Moving Potted Plants: Bring potted plants sensitive to cold indoors or to protected areas.

5. Lawn Care:

Last Mow of the Year: Mow the lawn to a suitable height to protect it during winter.

Aeration and Overseeding: Aerate the lawn and seed to strengthen the grass before winter dormancy.

6. Tool and Equipment Preparation:

Cleaning and Storage: Clean gardening tools and store them properly to prevent rust and damage.

Equipment Maintenance: Check and prepare equipment like lawn mowers and irrigation systems for winter storage.

7. Spring Planning:

Garden Planning: Evaluate the past season and plan improvements and new projects for the next spring.

Supply Purchase: Acquire seeds, fertilizers, and other supplies needed to be ready when spring arrives.

Conclusion: Proper garden preparation for winter ensures that your plants and lawn are protected and ready for vigorous growth in the spring. By following these essential steps, you can minimize winter damage and maximize the health of your garden.